FBA and FBM Preparation Center


Te Supply USA LLC. Is an American company that operates in 100% of the states through its -Commerce structure.
We have enabled specific marketing channels for the diversity of products in our portfolio.

Te Supply USA LLC, offers brands and factories inside and outside the USA, the possibility of tracing the ideal path for their product to reach the final consumer, through the study and preparation of a Marketing plan that makes their products have the required market impact and always taking into account the possibilities, the target market, the profitable volume of sales and the appropriate distribution costs.

Our slogan, YOUR PRODUCTS IN USA, is a work format in which the implementation of the product or brand is planned from minute 1 to the finish line. It is a flexible and reactive plan to the market, in which unpredictable adjustments and changes have a special space within the method.

We are happy to analyze with you the presence of your products in the US market, the expansion of target markets, the adequacy of the target audience and subsequent appropriate marketing planning.